Thursday, August 19, 2010

Girls i need some advice on whether i might be pregnant?

I have very irregular periods anyow but LMP was August 16th. Have had very sore and tingly boobs last 2 days and bizarrely it looks like I am starting with breast milk again (daughter 19months old). My boobs look like they did when I was in my first trimester with darling daughter. LMP seemed normal (for me) so I am a bit puzzled as to what might be going on. Have had lots of unprotected sex and would be delighted if I was pregnant as I was told I couldn't have any. But the timing of it all seems a bit odd. ANyone out there had anything similar?Girls i need some advice on whether i might be pregnant?
Just take a pregger test already, it's that simple.Girls i need some advice on whether i might be pregnant?
a test is the best answer although it happened to me
if you already had one w/ same symptoms you are just get a test
Go buy a test
My advise is take a test, you have some symptoms of pregnancy but the body is a complicated instrument.
go to the doctor because the test sometimes dont work. is better if you go get checked and hopefully you are good luck
No one can really give you a definitive answer. We'd really all be guessing. Grab a home pregnancy test from the drug store and put your curiousity to rest. They're inexpensive, easy to use and highly accurate. Good luck.
Are you have morning sickness?
only a test will tell if the test is not accurate CALL YOUR DOCTOR.
Take a pregnancy test.
do a test
You can still have a period while being pregnant. My mom had her period all the way up until her seventh month so do not let that fool ya. I would say your boobs could be growing pains, but if you have already had one child then most likely not i would say even definitely not.

My suggestion to you is get a pt test or go to the doctor. We are a bunch of normal people on here amusing ourselves. We can not give the advice a doctor can.

So i say go to the doctor, and I hope you are pregnant since you really want too be. Good Luck.

And also I have known plenty of woman who have been told they can not have any more children and have gotten pregnant so never give up. All the fun is in the trying anyway right.....
Timing yes seems very odd but alot of women actually have a normal period before they realize they are pregnant. Myself included. It honestly sounds like you may ver well be pregnant. Take a HPT and find out the happy news. If not it could just be your hormones just getting ready to ovulate. If it concerns you further see your doc. Good Luck!

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