Sunday, August 22, 2010

Please advice, i want make a website that is going to make me around $1000/month. what should it be about?

Sorry - but if you are asking this question.. then you wont do it...

Most successful business people have a vision of not only what they want to achieve - but how and with the values (what is important to them) they want to operate to.

What interests you, what are you passionate about - look at these areas and see if there is a local or national gap in the market - if there is exploit it.

Why a website? getting traffic (look at many other threads here) is incredibly difficult in a VERY diluted space.

Website generally take many months to get established.

good luck


http://www.rapidbi.comPlease advice, i want make a website that is going to make me around $1000/month. what should it be about?
Sorry but if i knew then i would be doing that, not sat here answering this.

In all seriousness, apart from the four letter p word, the second biggest earner and biggest growth market on the Internet at the moment is genealogy. So maybe something about that.

Or advertising, set up a good website and then incorporate pay per click adverting from yahoo or google. The better your website the more visitors, the more visitors the more pay per click you will get. It will take a while and some hard work but it could turn some money for you.

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