Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What would be your advice for a real thinking person in regards to his walk in life?

Should one push others to join him, try to pull them in by any means to become an active member or just do his thing that he thinks is right to do and let others form their own opinion in regards to joining in or not. If he just does his own thing should he always be ready to explain what he is doing, why he is doing it, and to be ready to justify the reasons for his actions?

Please think about this and also state truthfully if what you say is really what you do in your walk in this existence.What would be your advice for a real thinking person in regards to his walk in life?
My advice to a real thinking person ( how many on this planet? 10?100?)would be something like this:

Stay put. Don't join any group or society.

Then you will not get into trouble with other people.

Pretend to be like anyone else (If that is possible - I have given up on that).

But - give people the freedom they deny you. - if they allow it.What would be your advice for a real thinking person in regards to his walk in life?
People should do what they want. If that means minding their own business, then so be it. If that means evangelizing, then so be it. Neither position has ever bothered me a bit. Personally, I don't believe in evangelism. In my denomination, it is common to turn away potential converts. If they really want to join, they will come back.
People will always try and justify their own actions if they are good or not. If you have to convince another person of what they should be doing or thinking, they will reject your thought. In other words it has to be their thought for them to see things your way. As I have quoted here before (although I know not who to attribute it to):

A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.
When you're excited about a book or a movie, or a great new job that you have just gotten then what do you do? You tell people about it, you share the news.

If you think you have made a good decision in your life then you tell others about it and advise them to do the same. If they say no, you might want to ask why not, if they have good reasons and are set in their decision then let that be that. If they are wavering then that means they have questions and such, find out what those are.

Don't strong arm anyone into doing anything, let them make their own decisions.
Let me guess. You are saying that to be a real thinking person you must be an atheist . Or that thinking people is a moniker for atheists . And that ethically Christians should not proselytize. Your agenda is very obvious.
He should do his own thing, if others want to join in that's up to them. Justifying his actions is up to him, I will share my beliefs if someone is truly curious about them but I don't feel the need to justify what I do to others, they can either accept my actions or they can bugger off.
I have had to make my own way from my first memory. I do not particularly care what others do and feel no need to justify anything.
The inherent ';problem'; with this excellent question is that it depends upon what the truth is.

Let me explain...

If the truth is: there is no God, and therefore morality is subjective - then whatever society the person finds themselves must conform to an agreed upon morality. In other words, even an atheist cannot say, ';Live and let live';. Because if ';living'; for one person means kidnapping, raping, and murdering the underage daughter of this atheist...then something is way ';wrong';. No one would fair well in a society without ';rules'; about what is ';right'; or ';wrong';. That is, no one would say that it is OK and ';right'; to kidnap, rape, and murder a child...

BUT, for an atheist that lives in a group of people that does have laws and consequences of such laws, then within such a society, it would definitely be a ';live and let live'; walk of life. And such a person should not have to even justify their reasons or actions, because each does what is right in their own eyes.

HOWEVER, if the truth is: God created mankind, mankind has fallen...and all are sinners and fall short of the glory of God...and the wages of sin is death...and, therefore, we are ALL headed to hell...except that God became man - Jesus Christ - and died on the cross for our sins...and ANYONE who believe in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life...to the consequences of either eternal torment in hell vs. eternal torment in heaven....

THEN, in LOVE...it should be everybody's chief motive to share this message with every other person on the face of the planet...so that they may hear this message form God (called the Gospl)...and believe in it...for their own salvation. Anything short of this...is a failure in the duty of the Christian...and profoundly unloving.

However, if people repeatedly reject this message, then the Christian duty is done. They may shake the dust of their feet...and wash the blood of those people from their hands, and say, ';Your blood be on your own heads!'; (Ezekiel 3:17-21). Then, the Christian may leave such a place and never return.


Finally...my ';advice'; for a ';real thinking person'; in regards to his walk in life is this:

I was an atheist who sat down to read the Bible and prove it wrong. The Lord God revealed Himself to me. Jesus Christ is Lord. This is the truth, though this ';truth'; is hidden amidst the ';garbage'; of un-Christianlike behavior in Christians. Therefore, ditch just about everything you know...and read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in the Bible.

If what I say is true, it would be foolish and absurd for you to at least not look into it. And what I say IS true.

God bless you.


Grace and peace in Christ be with all who read and hear!

Why should you have to justify yourself to anybody? If someone asks about what you are doing explain and if they want to join you, fine, if they don't, fine also. Just treat everyone as you want to be treated. Now if what you are doing is against the law or harmful to someone you might want to rethink it. I am sorry to say I don't always follow my own advice, I can only hope that I have done no harm. We are human and fallible . Did I answer your question?
First off, (I can only speak for myself) I don't feel the need to justify anything. 'Justify' means 'just if I can lie' the way I look at it. Secondly, I'm not for pushing anyone into my or anyone else's direction, as this might cause unnecessary pregedious in my direction, and ruin any chance of being useful to others. And, yes, I am an active and willing participant in my efforts to do the right thing, whether spontaneous or just as it comes along. As far as religion goes, I have some difficulty with issues concerning doctrine, while Love holds no such barriers. And thirdly, if my prayers are for myself, they are almost always an ego satisfaction of some sort. If I am praying rightly, it's that I may be of some help to you... you being those with whom I cross paths. I don't tend to give a lot of thought to what others might think of me, or how I handle my affairs, and it's unusual for them to notice. Far be it from me to set anyone straight. My job is to add to life, not take away. And most of the time I do okay. I avoid difficult people if possible, preferring positive over the negative. Daily I ask the unseen Father to direct my journey. And he takes care of me. I've never had such a good life. Thanks for asking! Oh, yeah, advice... live the best you can with what you know. That's it.

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