I don't know were you live, but here in Canada firefighters make anywhere from 60 to 90K a year. But if it really is a low paying job were you live, you should still take it. I was told as a kid to do a job you like and you will end up making more money at it. If you like your job you will perform better, simple.I want to be a firefighter but the pay is horrible. Any help/advice? preferably from a Firefighter?
Well in Canada, Ontario specifically, it is a very hard job to get. Any applicant who was hired within the past 5 years more then likely has a bachelors degree in Fire Science and a college diploma to go along with it. Even if you have the required education it is a very difficult job to get.
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Where do you get your information?
The median starting salary for a firefighter in the US is over $36,000, with no significant job qualifications aside from physical endurance. The overall median is over $45,000, with veterans in major cities at or near six figures.
I can't think of many better-paying blue-collar occupations.
i think firefighters only get 2.50 an hour
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